Hooks for food

Double Hooks

The double hook is an innovative tool for enthusiasts of smoked meat and fish. Thanks to its unique double blade, the hook ensures precise placement of smoked meat or fish, eliminating the risk of them falling during the smoking process. Made of high-quality stainless steel, the hooks are durable and reliable. They work exceptionally well for connoisseurs of smoked fish and are ideal for meats such as ham, pork shoulder, and bacon. Each hook has a diameter of 3 mm and a height of 12 cm, and each package contains 5 hooks.

S Hooks

S-Hooks are essential for meat smoking enthusiasts. Made from durable corrosion-resistant steel, these hooks offer top-level reliability. They are perfect for smoking ham, bacon, and various types of meat, providing a unique taste to dishes. Each hook has a diameter of 3 mm and a height of 12 cm, and each package contains 5 hooks, delivering refined precision in the smoking process.

S Hooks - asymmetric

S-Asymmetrical Hooks are an indispensable tool for meat smoking enthusiasts. Made from high-quality corrosion-resistant steel, they are durable and reliable. Their S-type asymmetrical structure is an innovative solution that effectively utilizes the space inside the smoking chamber. They work perfectly for smoking ham, bacon, and various types of meat. Each hook has a diameter of 4 mm and a height of 12 cm. Each package contains 5 hooks, ensuring versatile use for smoking enthusiasts.

Hooks type 20

Type 20 fish hooks are an indispensable tool for fish smoking enthusiasts. Built with stainless steel construction, their double-blade design allows precise placement of the fish during the smoking process. The spacer effectively prevents fish closure during smoking. Hooks with a height of 20 cm are ideal for smoking smaller fish. Each package contains 3 Type 20 hooks, offering versatile use for smoking enthusiasts.

Hooks type 21

Type 21 fish hooks are invaluable tools for smoked fish enthusiasts. Constructed from stainless steel, their triple-blade design allows precise fish placement during smoking. The spacer effectively prevents fish closure. Hooks with a height of 21 cm are perfect for medium-sized fish. Each package contains 3 Type 21 hooks, ensuring versatile use for smoking enthusiasts.

Hooks type 25

Fish hooks of type 25 are an indispensable tool for enthusiasts of smoked fish. Made from corrosion-resistant steel construction, their triple-blade design allows for precise placement of the fish during the smoking process. The spacer effectively prevents the fish from closing during smoking. Hooks with a height of 25 cm are intended for larger fish. Each package contains 3 type 25 hooks, ensuring versatile use for smoking enthusiasts.

Hooks that Elevate the Art of Smoking Fish and Meat

With the available accessories here, you can easily and safely hang fish or pieces of meat. The hooks are professionally shaped, protecting the contents from accidental falls while evenly spreading smoke along the smokers.

In our store, all smoking hooks are available in sets of five or three pieces. Double and S-shaped hooks are versatile and work well for preparing pork loin, bacon, and various sausages. Their versatility makes them indispensable in a home smokehouse, perfect for various occasions.

Double smoking hooks have two blades on opposite ends, while fish smoking hooks like 20, 21, and 25 are equipped with a special spacer, keeping the fish hook always open. It's worth equipping your smokehouse with these accessories to enjoy their versatile use on many occasions.